About Me

Its All About Me <3

Hey YOU!

Nota - Hati: suke tunding jari ? kerat jari tu baru tau !

Yes YOU!
Who read this, I just want to say.........


Hahahahhahaahahahhahaahahha, annoyying right? I know, I know. I am an annoyying person. Well, who cares? haha, just kidding.

Okok, back to basic. hahaha

First of all, My name is Durratussyifa'. It was given by my beloved father, Uncle Rozuki and my beloved mother, Aunty Nurhayati. So, my full name is Durratussyifa' binti Rozuki. you guys can call me, Syifa'. For now, I am still 15 years old. But, I will return 16 on 9th of November 2020. So, don't forget to wish me. Okay?
This is me..
I am cute right? Ahahhahaha jkjk.

In this blog, I want to share about myself. It's not all, just a little bit. Now, I am studying at MRSM Gemencheh at Sg Dua, Negeri Sembilan. Here, I want to share about my friends impressions on me there. But, before I start, I want to tell you that my name is SYIFA' not SHIFA. Ok? Several of my friends and teachers are always changed it. I dont really care about that but sometimes I  care, based on my mood. HAHAHA.
Ok, this is the impressions of them. They said..

I am sporting. Ok. I am funny. But, I think not anytime. I am The Queen of Math. I love Mathematics but, there is a few of my friends are way cleverer than me. hehehe. I  am responsible. I dont know. I am cool and stylo. Hmm.. may be? I am closed with the teachers. May be yes, may be no. HAHA. I am good at futsal. I like to play futsal and I love it. hihihi. I am a good friends. But, I dont think so. hmm.. I am athelete. May be, once.

That's all about their impressions. Now, I want to make some comments before we go to the next story. So, I just want to say that I am not a good friend anymore because I always hurt my friends feeling. I am so sorry guys...😒 hmm.. I am closed with the teachers? May be several. I loved to be closed with them because I want to know them more. So, I can be more careful when communicate with them. And I can also absorb knowledge as much as I can from themπŸ™†. One more, I am not really an athlete anymore because my stamina is lower than before. I dont have enough exersises because I am lazy. HAHAHAHAHA.πŸ˜‚

I have many experiance leave there. Before that I want to put some pictures of my friends and my teachers

After Kem Jati Diri Form 4 2020
Before Form 3 2019 returned home with our beloved batch, Khairul Huffaz πŸ˜˜
After Programme Form 3 and Form 5 with Cikgu Mimi 😻
The greatest class, 404 3.0
After Dirac won the first place in Merentas Desa 2020 πŸ’›
With the teachers during Migty 2019

Cikgu Nas AffieπŸ’–

Cikgu Mimi 😚

Cikgu Fauzi πŸ™‰

Abang Mezy πŸ˜‰

Cikgu Farhana πŸ’Ÿ

Sir Zulkifli πŸ™ˆ

Cikgu Rahisyam πŸ’

Ustazah Aisyah πŸ’˜

Cikgu Abdullah πŸ’•
Ok. Now I will proceed with my idea which is about my sports at school. I am futsal player for 2 years, badminton player for this year, volleyball player for 3 years. My futsal's coach is Cikgu Maswita. My volleyball's coach is Sir Zulkifli. Abang Mezy also coaching us for every sports, futsal, badminton, volleyball and the others. For this year, Abang Wan and Cikgu Rahisyam have made a hocky team. I joined the team as well because I want to improve my skills in hocky.
These are some of my pictures with my teammates:

Futsal's free kick team 2020
Lower form volleyball 2019
Futsal team 2018

Before I proceed about my family's story, I just want to share a story about this year activity which is Kem Jati Diri Form 4 2020, last February. We were very enjoyed during the camp. We slept at the camp site besides the school. The camp started in the evening after we gathered at the court. After we cleaned the camp site, we learned how to use compass with the right way by Cikgu Rahman (I have a picture at that time when we listened to him. But, I don't want to put it here because there are too many pictures in this blog)πŸ˜›. At night, We have divided into a group and made our own flag ourselves. Then, we need to apply what we have learned in the evening, which is how to use compass. We have given a starting point. From there, we need to go to the next checkpoint, which is placed around the school. And we need to finish it before 2 am.
 For the next day, we went for Kembara Lasak around the village with our group. So, we went there group by group. Before we walked out from the school, Cikgu Mimi gave us some tasks that we need to finish it along the way. The first thing I loved the most was crawl in the river. Along the way, when we heard one of the feci shout 'Grenade', we need to landing on the ground whatever the situation are, until they said 'clear'. After that, we walked very long way, up the hill until we stopped at a place for tea break. We proceed our way and met the second river. There, we need to soak in the river. That was the best moment for me. Then, we walked until we stopped at a place to cook for our lunch. We have given some raw food. We need to cook it by ourselves. My group was the last group that had a lunch because we had a technical problemπŸ˜›. Luckily, there was Cikgu Abdullah who gave us his hand. Without him, I think we will starving until we arrived at the school. We were very thankful. We love you, Cikgu Lah.😘 Hahahaha... Ok, I proceed. At night, we just chilling.😎
 For the next day, which is our last day of the camp, we just cleaned up the camp site and we returned to our hostel happily and tiredly. We were enjoyed the camp and thanked the teachers for their struggles to make this camp successful. Thank you, teachers.πŸ™†

Before that, this is my hostel

-Thats all about me in the school.

Here, I want to share a little bit about my family. Okok, I know it supposed to be the first thing to story about. But, this is my blog. So, who's care about it.πŸ’ ahahahahaha...

Ok, first thing first, I have 6 siblings which is 3 boys and 3 girls. I am number 3 and I have 2 elder brothers. My father passed away 5 years ago when I am 11 years old. So, this is my family..
First day of eid 2019πŸ’–
I have so many cousins from my mother's side and also my father's side. So, I put their pictures here and see it. I don't want to talk to much... ahahhahhaha
My father's side. During school holiday 2019πŸ’ž
The one and only 'perfect' picture of us. My mother's side.😍 2018
We are closed with both sidesπŸ’•. Usually, people will say that they only closed with their cousins from their mother's side. I said usually.. not all. But, we are not like that. How lucky we are😻. Thanks all my cousins because always there for me whatever it is. Love you guys...πŸ˜‰


I think that's enough for now. So, that's all from me, thank you. See you in the next blog, InsyaAllah.πŸ˜‡
